Friday, September 17, 2010

Princess Savannah is 3 today!

Is it sad that I consider September the start of our holiday season? The second of our September birthdays was today. My (sometimes) sweet Savannah turned 3 today. I can't believe how fast the time is going by! I thought the time with her brother was fast, but the past 3 years have flown by. I remember like it was yesterday checking into the hospital 2 times while in labor to only be sent home, a Dr visit and then finally the ok to stay in the hospital. In room 6 at Timpanogos regional I had 2 interesting epidurals, watched some Wonder Years, made my nurse laugh because of the strange things I talked about in a drugged up condition, yelled at Noah for stinky pizza breath, almost made my friend Amy throw up because I threw up and then after 80 minutes of pushing and turning Savannah the right way, the Dr made it just in time to catch her head. We were in love from the minute we met her. Those first 48 hours in room 115 were life changing. Through some tears invoked by a crazy nurse, I soon realized motherhood was not easy and everyone has their own opinions on how to do things. I have learned a lot from this beautiful girl and have loved most every minute. She really is a fun, smart and beautiful little girl.

Last night I baked her cake and decorated a bit. Savannah was so happy to see a sign and some fun princess birthday decor around. I finished her cake this morning and after we all got ready we headed off to Build-A-Bear. Savannah picked out her bear and said goodbye to her binky as she put one inside. I put in the other two and after her bear was sewn up she washed it and picked out some clothes. She named is "Girl," but we were pretty sure that would change, so on it's birth certificate is reads Binky Bear. After a trip to Toys R Us and a Happy meal it was nap time and then we had her open presents, play a little and then we had cake. I decided to make this cake yesterday so it's not the most planned out and the colors aren't perfect, but Savannah requested a Sleeping Beauty cake, so I tried.
We watched Toy Story 2 while the kids ate some dinner and then it was time for bed. It was a busy day with some phone calls from family too! You are one loved little girl Savannah and I hope you know your Mommy loves you SO much! Here's to hoping for less tantrums, no fights about your binky and you starting to listen a little more (wishful thinking).
Here are some stats about our Savannah
She loves costco pizza
She loves Barbies, Ponies, Littlest pets, Disney princesses, and pretty much anything else she can play with
Savannah loves to sing, especially to her stuffed animals and her brother when he goes down for a nap.
Her favorite movies are currently Nightmare before Christmas, anything with Veggie Tales, Pixar movies, Tinkerbell and ANYTHING that has to do with Christmas
Happy meals REALLY make her happy
90% potty trained with some issues getting there in time for #2
She talks all the time in her loud, high-pitched voice
As of today is binky free
She loves to put on make up
Savannah loves holidays and is very excited for Halloween and Christmas
Still super independent and free spirited
She knows most of her shapes including hexagons, octagons, crescent, etc
Still has never had a single hair trimmed on her head
I love you Savannah Addison Bongard! You always know how to make me smile.

1 comment:

Amy Diestler said...

What a fun day! I LOVE that cake! Savannah is such a cute little girl - and she's lucky to have you for her mommy! :-)