Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Awesome Babies

So I am amazed at how every day I love my kids more and more. They are changing all the time and as more baby proofing and potty training begin I am sad that they are getting so big. Jaxon and Savannah are so funny. Jaxon loves Savannah so much! She makes him smile all the time and he loves to follow her around. Savannah loves Jaxon most of the time. She always gives him hugs and kisses and asks if he is ok when he falls down. This morning she picked out his clothes and the two of them played together for a half hour without any tears while I took a shower. They conspire together to make big messes (like unrolling all the toilet paper) and have to take baths together. That's right... Jaxon will no longer take baths in his in between baby and big tub, he has to be in the big tub with Savannah and will try to get into the tub whenever the bathroom door is open.
They sit right next to each other during Yo Gabba Gabba and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and hardly move.
When Jaxon wants upstairs, Savannah will take down the baby gate and walk with him up the stairs. I really am lucky to have them and even though I am starting to get a little baby hungry and miss being pregnant, I am very happy with just my two little rascals for now.
Jaxon is changing so much! He is crawling all over and yesterday he stood for about 3 seconds without holding onto anything. He is such a good baby and loves to cuddle when he is not wandering around the house. He is still teething like crazy and the Dr said he is getting lots of teeth coming in very soon. Jaxon is currently fighting a double ear infection and you wouldn't know it. Nothing slows him down! He loves to eat everything in sight and can out eat Savannah.
Savannah is doing great! She is finally showing more interest in potty training and wants to sit on the potty and wear her panties all the time. Unfortunately she does not like to go every time she wants to try so we have lots of accidents, but it's still progress. She is starting to eat a little more variety and loves to play all the time. I can understand more and more of what she is trying to say and the temper tantrums are now few and far between. I am loving this stage of life right now.
Btw... Noah is still job hunting but things are looking well. Hopefully we will have more news soon!!

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