Friday, June 26, 2009

10 weeks left.. I hope

So I love Friday mornings for several reasons, but one of my favorite things are the emails I get from Every Friday morning I have a little email titled with how many week I am and it tells me what is going on this coming week with the baby. Apparently he now weighs about 2.5 lbs, is 15 inches long, and his bones are now hardening more, but my favorite part is that I get my little reminder. This pregnancy has gone by SO fast! I have been running around and keeping myself so busy that I actually forget I am pregnant until I bend too far or look in the mirror. Noah had to tell me how far along I was a week ago because I could not even remember. Well thanks to my email I know I am 29 weeks along!

On another note, I did go to my dr yesterday. Everything was great. His heartbeat was 153 and he is measuring right on track. I have low blood pressure still and luckily have not gotten crazy swollen yet, like I did with Savannah. I happen to have the worst due date because its on a Friday. Friday is an "on call" day for the Dr's in the practice and so if it is not my Dr's weekend, I will be waiting until Tuesday the 8th to say hello to my little guy. I am grateful I will still be induced early, but I am really hoping its the 4th and not the 8th. Here is my reasoning...
  • My child needs to stay somewhere and so far my only option for her is a house of teachers. Friday to Saturday night would just be easier for them.
  • People seem to have more time on the weekends if I get to come home on Saturday or Sunday and need help with something I have a better chance of finding someone.
  • Monday is a holiday which means people will have it off (mainly my mother who will be busy with the beginning of the school year so taking time off is not much of an option).
  • My child would be out sooner.

Life can be crazy and never what you expect, but I am sure hoping it goes my way this time. My Dr said he knows he is not taking vacation for Labor day weekend, so I am praying the other Dr's are so everything will fall into place. A girl can dream and my dream is to be induced 10 weeks from today.

1 comment:

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

Oh, I hope you only have 10 weeks left too, for your sake!!! The last part of Pregnancy just drags cause you are so ready to have the baby and so sick of being pregnant!!! Goodluck Amy!!! P.S. I hope we will be neighbors soon! :) Oh and PLEASE, I would totally help you with Savannah when you have the baby. If you wanted her to sleep at Nicole and Bretts (I'm guessing that's who you were talkinga bout! :)) I could watch her during the day if they are in school! :) You have lots of frineds who would love to help!