Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Temple Square Visit

Yesterday morning Savannah and I started talking about Temples. She loves them and the fact that there are to many around here lets us stop and look at different ones. Savannah loves the Angel Moroni statues and always has to point them out. Well yesterday I had her sit in my lap and we were looking at some pictures on Google. We came across the Salt Lake Temple and Savannah asked to go see it. After running a couple errands I decided we should go. After all the tears and fights between us the last week, we both needed it. Both the kids fell asleep on the drive up there and woke up not knowing exactly where we were. I parked under the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and stopped in the Distribution Center first. I wanted one of the nursery manuals for family home evening and then we wandered around and I showed Savannah the pictures of all the temples. She loved it! She asked for a small picture of the Orlando Temple after I told her that's where her dad and I were married. She loved the chandeliers in the foyer and then walking outside I could tell she was getting excited. She loved the reflecting pond and had to throw in some pennies and take some pictures.

(Savannah kissing Jaxon)
We then walked the to northern visitors center and Savannah was so good! She loved the model of Jerusalem, and she asked to look at the large portrait wall of Christ's life. I felt a little peace for the first time in a while. She was so excited to go up the ramp to see the Christus statue or "Jesus in Space" as Savannah calls it. We then had snacks out front and fed some birds before some Sister Missionaries sat and talked with us. Savannah loved it. She showed one of the Sisters the birds, the pictures she had taken and then took out the Nursery manual and started looking through it. It took us about 30 minutes to walk to the very close south visitor's center because Savannah took more pictures and had to take some "reading breaks." I think the highlight was the 6 ft replica of the Salt Lake Temple and being able to see what it looks like inside. Savannah was so excited and I had to tell her what every room was. I think how she says Celestial is my new favorite word of hers. Jaxon was so good too! I love my little boy. He really is an amazing little baby and was so happy wandering around and smiling at people.
Not sure why, but I love this picture
I really love my kids and I REALLY needed this little trip to remind me of that. Life has been hard the past few days and between little sleep and Savannah fighting me on everything, I had shed far too many tears this past weekend. This was my little reality check as to what is most important and I so grateful for my kids. I really love my family and I love that we will be together forever.
Some of Savannah's pictures. I think the first one is very good
Savannah's bird friends are in there somewhere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true, Amy. Those pictures are adorable!