Sunday, August 15, 2010


So I know it has been a while since I posted. Savannah has become more demanding, and life has been very tiring. Well, we have been up to a lot. We spend some time with family when my sister Kara was in town, have gone to the Dinosaur museum with my sister Erin and her kids, church was an adventure, and we took a very short trip up to Rexburg to get a paper filled out so I can get a new title for my car we want to sell. Less than 2 weeks until Noah gets here and 2 weeks from tomorrow we leave. Luckily I found a guy selling a dual screen dvd player on ksl that saved us on our trip to Rexburg and I am sure will do the same when we go to Boise.
On a happier note, my kids are doing some great things. Jaxon is walking more and more. He is 11 months old today!! He is being a little more independent and is also figuring out just how to press his sister's buttons. He laughs all the time and loves to come up to you and blow raspberries where ever he can. Jaxon is drinking whole milk now too! I really love him and am so happy he is in our family!

Savannah has been having some trouble adjusting to Noah being gone. When we leave most places she tells me we forgot her dad. She loves temples, so I drove her past the Idaho Falls temple when it was all lit up. She told me we had to stay in the parking lot to wait for her daddy. She has been great some days and other days she wont listen at all. Her diet has also been pretty fickle, but she is starting to get the potty training thing down! She is great at peeing in the potty and actually stayed dry the entire way up to Idaho even though she had a pull up on. The pooping thing has gotten better the past couple days too.
Dinosaur Museum
Savannah and Eli (I think he was eyeing her bink)
Jaxon passe out with Perry the Platypus
Kaden and Savannah
Kaden, Eli and Savannah playing
Outside Time
Our way home from Rexburg

Jaxon and Savannah after we left my friend Stefanie's house and started heading home (yes I know he should not have his car seat flipped yet, but it was just needed for this long of a day of driving)

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