Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jaxon's week

Monday we went back to the Dr because Jaxon was running fever (103.6). I was not surprised that he had another ear infection. This means the next step is tubes. We have a consult with an ENT on Tuesday and are hoping there is a quick turn around for the surgery. We are excited for a healthier and happier baby boy.
Though Jaxon was still on an antibiotics the Dr had us come back for his scheduled well visit on Friday. Between not having insurance until November and all this sickness, we have rescheduled his 1 year visit many times. Poor Jaxon had to have 6 shots because he needed both his 12 and 15 month shots. He was not too happy about that, but quickly recovered with a Happy Meal.

Here are Jaxon's stats
Weight- 24.11 lbs (53%tile)
Height- 32.25 inches (83%tile)
Head- 18 7/8 inches (73%tile)
He is one growing boy and oh so sweet. I LOVE this guy! Friday night Jaxon was caught about to fall over the side of his crib twice, so we made some changes. Yesterday the front side of the crib came down and the toddler rail went up. Jaxon is in heaven now. I keep finding him sitting or laying on his bed with things he gathers around the house (mainly buzz toys). He slept ok last night for a few hours but around 3 I heard him crying and found him standing in the middle of the room after a failed attempt at waking up Savannah.

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