Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jaxon is here!

Jaxon is Awesome! He hardly ever makes a sound and did not even cry for his circumcision. He loves to cuddle, eat and sleep. He makes lots of funny little faces and likes to watch his big sister. We love him and are so excited he is here!

I was able to be induced on Tuesday and 9 hours after getting to the hospital, our little Jaxon Tyler Bongard made his appearance. I was hooked up to pitocin around noon, dr broke my water at 3:30, was at 5cm at 7:15 and then by some awesome power I was at 10cm at 7:54 and pushed for 9 minutes. It was a super easy Labor except for my epidural. The poor guy shoving the needle in my spine said I was the hardest one he has ever done. It took over a half hour and lots of tears, but was well worth it. :) Now I just have a big bruise on my back and cant forget the sound of him scraping against my spine with the needle, but I would get it again!

1 comment:

Ryan and Bryanne said...

Congrats! I'm glad everything worked out. Love the name Jaxon!