So I know there are some
Dr's out there that are a bit money hungry and push c sections, but I realized that I really lucked out. I found out this morning that I have not progressed at all in the past 3 weeks and that though I was supposed to be induced on the 4
th (our plan all along), my body is just not ready. I have cried on the way home from my last 2 appointments because I feel like for some reason its my fault that I cant dilate, but today I felt a little better as my
Dr explained that this baby is just so high and not coming down so inducing would lead to a c section, which my
Dr wants to avoid for my sake. I think he apologized to me 3 times (like it was his fault my body isn't pushing things along).
After 3 attempts at
castor oil, miles of walking, eating everything that a wives tale out there suggests, I have decided that I should side with my
Dr and really think of what is best... waiting. My due date is in 3 days and I will probably go over it, my hopes of my kids birthdays being further apart will not happen, but I am finally
ok with it all. I just want this little guy to be safe and though my back is aching and I am so incredibly tired, I think I will just put it in God's hands and hope he is
ok. I have an ultrasound on
Thursday to check his size and position and am hoping things are lined up the way they should be.
I'm just grateful for a
Dr that doesn't push or risk the unnecessary.