Warning... this is long and mostly for me to document how my kids are right now.
It has been a nice couple of months. We are more settled, playing more outside, going to the YMCA a lot and spending more time together as a family. Since Jaxon got his tubes in his ears, sickness in our house has gone down a lot! For the most part everyone is pretty happy. Although Jaxon is throwing a lot more tantrums and dives onto the ground when he thinks the world is coming to an end (aka he drops a crayon). Our kids have pretty much switched some personality traits in the past month. That's been an adjustment. All of a sudden Jaxon is way more independent and loves alone time, while Savannah now loves to follow me around.
Lately Jaxon has preferred to put himself to bed. This kid still doesn't sleep well and only about 50% of the time sleeps through the night. The nights he sleeps through the night are the occasions when he shuts us out of his room and falls asleep in his chair. Noah and I both try to keep the door open, but Jaxon will get up and shut it before going back to his chair or bed. He doesn't like stories or songs, just a little Toy Story or Nightmare before Christmas and alone time before passing out. I think its sad, but after 20 months of little sleep I am at the point when I'll try anything.
Jaxon still isn't talking much. I know he understands a lot, he just doesn't care to say much other than "no." He still has a binky, but he doesn't suck on them, he just bites them. We don't have to replace binkies because they are lost, we have to replace them because Jaxon bites the silicone part off. We have tried to limit them to nap time and bed time, but it is so funny to watch what he does with them if he has them during the day. Jaxon likes to keep them sideways on the side of his mouth and when he is concentrating he sticks his tongue out the other side. I will try to get a picture.
Savannah now loves to do everything with me. She hasn't been like this since she could crawl, so it's been an adjustment. She will even start pushing Jaxon if he is in my lap, so she can sit there. She wants to help me cook, clean, do any crafty things... pretty much everything. It's not a bad thing, just different. She is super smart and I love doing preschool curriculum with her. She is very ready for preschool (and so am I). Right now she is looking forward to swimming lessons this summer and school in the fall. Hopefully we will be able to get her in ballet too. She LOVES to dance. We took a really funny video of her dancing that I will upload soon. Savannah has also been randomly begging for a haircut. This mainly comes after we watch Tangled, but I am having a hard time agreeing to it. I love her hair and the fact that she has never had a single hair cut on her head. It is still easy to comb, is naturally layered, doesn't tangle much and is fun to style.
Summertime Sweets
8 months ago
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