A year ago today Jaxon went to the hospital for a few nights because his fever shot up and he had some type of virus. It was the second Monday of November. Yesterday was the second Monday of November and we had another scary day. Jaxon has had a cold for a few days, but yesterday his fever spiked. At 10am it was 103 so I called the Dr. It's always weird going to a new Dr and of course the kids have well visits for shots next week so I didn't know where I was going. Found out it was an ear infection and while in line picking up his prescription I was told the Dr spelled his name wrong so we had to wait longer.
We walked around the store and while back in line Jaxon started to lean over really far, I started to hold his head, talk to him and then his eyes rolled back and he started shaking. I knew what was going on as I saw his eyes roll back so I called for help from the people behind me. Luckily there was a recently retired firefighter/emt that helped me. He got him out of the shopping cart, watched his airways and undressed him while I tried to stay calm, started crying and touch whatever part of Jaxon I could so he would know I was there. Most of the pharmacy employees rushed to help and very quickly walmart managers showed up. My little Jaxon's face turned blue and managers were telling employees to take thermometers and other things off the shelves to help. The man helping started asking about crash carts and defibrillators and that's when the tears started to really come. His fever was 104.7 right after the seizure ended. The paramedics showed up and got him hooked up on oxygen, strapped in the stretcher and we were headed to the ambulance where after a brief time in freezing weather his temp was now 105.1. After several hours of holding and calming my baby in the hospital and some meds kicked in, his fever finally went down.
We were released and had to wait for Noah to figure out some way to get the car with the car seats from Walmart to come get Jaxon and I. After 2 hours of sitting in the waiting room next to a homeless man chugging his Pepsi 2lt, belching and telling me far more about Paula Abdul than I wanted to know, we still had to go pick up his ear infection meds. 6 hours after the seizure there were still 3 employees there from earlier and the second they saw me I was brought to the front of the line and questioned by them all as to how my little guy was doing (I have a new love for my walmart). I even got a phone call this morning from the store manager asking how Jaxon was doing.
I am so grateful for my little boy and that he is ok. I hugged him all night last night and hardly slept as his fevers kept coming back. I know a febrile seizure has no known long term effects and are pretty common, but it was SO scary! I'm so grateful for a misspelled name so the seizure didn't happen in the car, that our insurance coverage started last week, knowledgeable people and for mother's intuition. We are doing a lot of hugging today. His fevers are still coming back 3 1/2 hours after every dose of Tylenol and ibuprofen, but I am keeping them down and watching close.