Friday, October 23, 2009

3 years!

So Wednesday marked 3 years that Noah and I have been married. Crazy to think of how our lives have changed in that little amount of time, but it has been amazing. We were blessed earlier than expected with our sweet Savannah which brought our lives from Idaho to Utah. Its been a blessing to start our family here and we have made some amazing friends, been blessed with our jobs, have family nearby and have had great opportunities to grow together. We now have two amazing kids and I am so happy that our family has been able to become more complete.
Noah is a great husband and father. He is the kind of guy that will go get me tacos in the middle of the night, send me on trips on my own to see friends and family when he knows I need it and he can't take the time off, works really hard to put his family first, and makes sure we are always taken care of. He will get up the second Savannah makes noise on his days off and let me sleep in, is never afraid to change a diaper, and loves taking Savannah to Little Gym. He loves his family and it shows. He tells me he loves me at least 10 times a day and tells me he is glad he married me every night as I am nursing Jaxon to sleep. He takes Savannah shopping and always wants her to be happy. He will take Savannah up to bed and teaches her to pray while I listen through the monitor.
He may seem a bit hard headed and stubborn sometimes, but its one of the things that makes Noah so great. He is so determined. I am one lucky gal! I love you Noah.


Amy Diestler said...

Happy Anniversary! What cute pictures--you looked so pretty on your wedding day! :-)

Lauren's Latest said...

Yay! I can't believe it's already been 3 years! Time flies! Love you guys!