Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 so far & ultrasound pics

It's been a fun start to the new year in our house! Each one of us is going through our own little adventures so I thought I would share.

Noah has been out of town for a couple weeks for work. He is keeping himself busy and is excited for opporunities coming his way. We are hoping he will be given a new store assignment soon. Noah likes change more than most people and we are all excited to see where he is taking our family next.

I have still been pretty sick with this pregnancy. I have more good days than bad, but the bad days are horrible!! I am now halfway through and am loving my desire to nest. Our house is getting some much needed upkeep and organization. Because I have never taken a belly picture I figured I should at least once. Here is me at 19 weeks.
Savannah is still loving school. She learns the cutest songs and loves bringing home her little projects. Savannah has the funniest imagination. I love listening to her play. She says and does the funniest things (even when I don't want her to.) I caught her singing "America the Beautiful" in the bathroom a few days ago. She is so excited to have a baby in the house and talks about it all the time. I think seeing her newest cousin over Christmas is what got her so excited. Today she was talking to me about wanting to change diapers... we'll see how that goes. Here is Savannah with her newest hat. She picked out the yard and told me what she wanted me to make.Jaxon is doing well. He has been talking quite a bit more over the past few weeks. He has started saying a lot of 2 word phrases and and is really progressing in his communication skills. Though he is still behind where he should be, I have a lot of hope that he will make the progress he needs to catch up to other kids his age. His speech therapist has been great and now he will be evaluated for Occupational Therapy. He might be starting preschool a year early and be going this fall. I think it would be a great opportunity for him. I love my little boy and am so happy to be his mom. This is a blurry picture of Jaxon from the other night. He had to wear the hat to match his Woody pajamas and watch Toy Story 3 before bedtime.I got to see our newest family member yesterday. Jaxon went with me to the ultrasound and was such a good boy. The baby looks very healthy and is still right on track for the June 12th due date. It was very easy to not look at the screen when the ultrasound tech was checking the baby's legs and gender because Jaxon decided he needed to come sit on me. He sat right across my chest and laughed while trying to pick my nose. This was the first time I got to see one of my babies in 3d... it was weird. I like the good old fashioned 2d ultrasound pictures.

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