Thursday, March 18, 2010

6 months!

So over the past few days, we have celebrated a few mile markers. Savannah is now 2 and a half and our little Jaxon is 6 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone, but all I can do is hold my little guy and my sweet Savannah every day and appreciate them. I can't believe how fast they grow and I wish it would slow down just a little so I can appreciate it even more. Noah and I are planning on waiting at least 2 years before we think about another baby and to me that even seems too soon as I want to spend every moment focused on the sweet blessings I have in my life right now. Though Savannah is definitely experiencing the terrible two's and I am having a very hard time getting her to listen and be nice to me, I love her so much. Jaxon just has the sweetest little smile and always makes me happy.

So enough of the sappy stuff and on to the progress reports. Jaxon has been perfecting his sitting up and babbles "dadadada" all the time. He moved out of the bassinet in our room and into his crib when we got back from San Diego on Monday. He is waking up about once a night because he is always a hungry boy and hates a wet diaper, but since he is going to bed around 8:30, its not too bad. I took him to the Dr on Wednesday for his 6 month visit and was told he is very alert, very happy, has a very strong tongue and should be crawling in no time. He is still very average in size, even though I think he looks big. Here are the stats:
Length:26.25 inches-43.44%tile
Weight: 16.93lbs-39.13%tile (although I swear I heard the nurse say 18.1lbs)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches-51%tile
I will post about our trip to Cali as soon as I find our camera :(

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Reading about Jaxon and how happy you are of a mommy of 2 makes me SO happy and excited to be there too! Those are some pretty good looking stats! Keep up the good work! (Can't wait to see those Disney pics!)