Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our new addition

So on the 15th of this month, a cat followed me to my door when I got home from work. He/she has not really left since. It may be my maternal instincts or my extreme sensitivity to animals, but I figured as long as it claims me, I will take care of it. I don't think I could live with myself if the cat died and I could have done something. Now called "Skinny Kitty," our feline little friend has lived on out doormat and waits for us everyday. Savannah likes to brush him (I don't really know if its a boy, calling it him just stuck), and she helps me bring him food and water to his bowl every day. I gave in after a week and bought some cat food, treats, a better bowl and a cat brush. He is gaining some weight and his dried up little ears are starting to perk up a little.

When I am bored and Savannah is in bed, I go pet him. I forgot how therapeutic animals can be. This sweet little kitty does not meow, bite, or scratch. He takes anything and just needs some love. Savannah has pulled his tail and pet him a little too hard, but he does nothing. He looks a little scary and was given a really bad haircut at one point, but I think with a little time and love, he will look better.

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