Sunday, January 2, 2011


Today at church Savannah moved up from Nursery to the Sunbeam class (3 yr old Sunday school). She was very excited and has been singing the "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" song all week. All through the first hour of church she would ask if it was time yet.
She took her seat in Primary pretty well. At one point during singing time, Noah peeked in the window and saw her crying. Her teacher said she was good in the the end, which was a relief.
We asked Savannah what her lesson was on. This was the conversation...
Savannah: I am a child of God
Me: Are you a child of God Savannah?
Savannah: No, my crown is a child of God

We love you Savannah. You always know how to make me laugh.

1 comment:

Jackie and Tyler said...

haha she's so cute. I teach one of the sunbeam classes and got my batch of new kids today. I miss my kids from last year!...but I have some great ones and they were all pretty good. I know it can be a hard transition. Glad to know she took it pretty well! - Jackie