Friday, June 19, 2009

Random update

We did go visit Chuck E Cheese and had a super sweet coupon that got us 100 tokens for $10. Savannah is very good at putting in tokens and taking tickets, but this was her favorite thing. I am pretty sure we used about 10 tokens on this thing.

So last Friday was my birthday and I got several fun things. My mom and dad sent me some sweet gifts and among them was the biggest messenger bag I have ever seen. It has Hello Kitty on it, which only makes Savannah love it more. Until I decided to use it for my work bag, this huge bag was Savannah's little pouch. Like a Kangaroo, I actually wore it around the house with my little sweet daughter in the bag. I must say it is quite durable. Savannah actually took naps in it a couple times, but mainly played in it on the floor.

We have also been baking a bit more and Savannah is a pro. She sure loves a spatula and is a big fan of cookies.

Savannah after nursery last week. She made it to her chair, but no further.


Heidi said...

Hi! Oh my gosh that pic of her passed out in her chair. LOL they wore her out pretty good in nursery. She is so cute! I miss seeing her at gymnastics.

Elise and Danny Neilsen said...

I love that Savannah falls alseep in random places! HILARIOUS! Also, I voted on the name. I voted for Jaxon cause I love that you can call them Jax that has been one of my personal favorites for boys for a long time but I also LOVE Carson! But, it wouldn't let me vote twice so I thought I would tell ya!