Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baby Bongard #2 is a...

So we went to the Dr today to have an ultrasound. We are very excited that we are having a BOY! I was a little nervous at first because I have been thinking it all along, but was not for sure and I don't know how to take care of a baby boy. I am slightly hesitant going into this new territory, but I am excited. Its strange how little things like less acne and my belly not being so high had already convinced me to the point that I have boy bedding and only a boy name picked out. Mother's intuition in the womb maybe? I know Savannah wont have her little buddy and we wont be buying bunk beds for at least a few more years now, but I am very happy.

The second the ultrasound started this was out first look. Its a little look at the "it's a boy" view.
This is my favorite picture with a view of his arm and a profile of his face.

Leg shot

Little feet
I don't really see it, but this is his face


Lauren's Latest said...

Yay!!! Noah is probably excited!

Teresa said...

Wow!! Congratulations!! Boys are the best!! Course that is all I know,but they are so sweet and love their mommy so much. You are going to have so much fun :)

Kimberly said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am still so excited that you are getting a little boy!!! You are such a great mother! What a lucky little boy to come to your family! :)